Expressions of love. Received with deep gratitude.

In the area of personal and spiritual growth on the path to self-mastery and fulfilling my full potential, I have accomplished more with Lisa in 6 months than I have over the last 20 years on my own. If you’re thinking about working with Lisa, my advice is quite simple: just do it.
I came to Lisa to find a way to materialize a business vision, and what I got was a full overhaul of my entire life. For 20 years I have been trying to adopt the mindfulness and lifestyle practices I knew I needed to get on with, and Lisa made this process unbelievably easy and fun. She has managed to create enough space and trust that I could fully show up as myself – naked – and open up to my own potential. Her ability to be non-judgmental, loving, kind and open is simply remarkable.
By working with Lisa I have become more flexible and patient, more in control of my thoughts and emotions, and overall much sharper while tolerant, with myself and others. And I have lost anger, anxiety, pressure and self-inflicted shame. Events have begun to manifest both on the professional and personal levels. The groundwork Lisa and I have accomplished to help me step up to my dreams of making an impact in this world is an extremely powerful and shaping foundation.
Be ready to do the work though. In the end, it’s all you – which is of course the only way it can be! Lisa just helps bring it out of you in a gentle yet highly effective manner. I truly wish you the same success I have experienced!
~ David Niry
CEO, BusinessTech

Coaching with you was the best thing I ever did. Immediately you had me perfect my offering, double my fees, and step more fully into who I was becoming. This brought multiple new, highly-aligned clients, all of whom experienced great results themselves, and ultimately to writing my new book, Gifted by Grief, in which I mention you as a major influence on my path to creating my Life’s Work. In our time together, I especially appreciated your piercing ability to spot what was really going on underneath the surface that was holding me back, and bringing it to my attention in a way that enabled me to free myself and move past it. Thank you for everything!
~ Jane Duncan Rogers
Author, Coach, Speaker

My Soul Mastery Intensive with Lisa was so accelerated, we were able to make miracles in 7 hours with something that has been bothering me for this entire year. I’ve worked with coaches and healers, in addition to working on it myself, and no one was able to help me. And in 7 hours, she found my blind spot. It looked like 60 things going on, but they were all tethered to the same issue. That’s HUGE. I’ve shifted deeply, and I get to integrate, incorporate and embody and live from this place this now. I really learned something new from her, and I am already an advanced practitioner of this work.
Coaches usually lead intensives in hotel suites, but the way we did ours – experientially, with movement and flow and embodiment – required me to trust her and trust the process. In her presence, I felt safe and secure, she trusts her gift and her connection to the Divine so completely. That’s one of the hardest lessons for pretty much everyone to learn, and I loved it.
Lisa works with such groundedness, centeredness, grace and class. She’s unique in that she understands the practicalities of business, but combines it with total self-mastery, spirituality and Divinity – the ultimate CEO in our businesses. The way she works is at the leading edge of where business and entrepreneurialism are going. Working with her was the best investment I could have made.
~ Vanessa Petronelli
Soul Alignment Coach

~ Andre Duquemin
Executive Coach

As a songwriter, I’ve always surrendered to my creativity. When I met Lisa, I was beginning to learn to surrender in all areas of my life, including the business side of my creativity. Lisa is the champion of this way of working, and it’s such a relief! I felt like deep down her soul’s work IS to help other people bring their soul’s work out. No hidden agenda. Just true to the core.
Before I met Lisa, it was my goal to practice unconditional love with myself. Also, my creativity was at a point where it wouldn’t allow me to create art without also creating a great, delicious life alongside it. She supported this belief system by always putting soul alignment first, and approaching everything in a peaceful, trusting way. Not only does it feel good to be in Lisa’s energy (and isn’t feeling good the point of all of it?), she also provides the perfect balance of soul wisdom and practical knowledge. As a testament to what she teaches, a large amount of money flowed in as soon as I said yes to this process with her.
The work I did with Lisa is holistic, honest, and I changed permanently as a result of it. If you have certain goals, and have ever fallen victim to trying to “force” them to happen, Lisa is the coach for you. She can support you in letting your old forcing habits fall away, while still guiding you to take action. I don’t think I really understood the word “unfolding” until I met Lisa. It gets thrown around a lot, but this is exactly what happens when you work with her. Truly. You unfold, your work unfolds, your soul unfolds, and you are seen.
~ Anne Heaton
Singer-Songwriter and Founder of Soul Songs School

My work with Lisa brought me to whole new levels of clarity, consciousness and manifestation. I was already highly accomplished in my career, but there was an aspect of what I felt called to do that had not yet emerged. Together we did deep inner work, while consistently applying that to tangible, practical expression in the outer world, including how I position myself, collaborate with others, and affect change in the world.
Lisa has an amazing ability to tune in, receive, process, question, and positively reformulate (that is, cast into the highest light) the personal and professional challenges of her client’s path. She has perfected the delicate dance between nurturing forth the vision, and allowing the client to take full ownership of it. She is nothing less than loving and supportive, but at the same time tough on getting down to the business logistics so that you not only feel, but also fully integrate, important shifts and growth.
She promised from day one to be my Soul’s “100% partner,” and that promise was definitely fulfilled. She has been my mentor, my friend, an avatar of my highest self, and the gifts of our work together continue to blossom after the official end of our program. Thank you, Lisa!
~ Carolyn S.

I searched for a long time for someone who could help me remodel my business and marketing in a way that felt right for me instead of the way everyone says it’s ‘supposed’ to be done. I also wanted someone who paid as much attention to the inner work and the energy behind the business as the business itself, someone who is both rational and intuitive. Lisa is that perfect combination of the dance between the two. She helped me develop and refine my programs, really know who the programs are for and why, and has turned writing copy from a huge beast into something simple. Lisa has done this seamlessly – masterfully blending coaching, marketing and energy expertise – while helping me develop my own self-sufficiency. She’s really guided me come back to myself, and to evolve my business in harmony with who I am at the deepest level.
~ Andrea Bauer
Executive Coach

Words can’t even do this cell-awakening, heaven-on-earth bestowing work justice. What Lisa does is so far beyond business coaching. She tunes people into their calling, their purpose, their own Soul in such a deep, timeless way. There’s infinite wisdom and universal depth in what she does. If you have a vision that’s close to your heart, it doesn’t matter what strategies you have up your sleeve, you’ve got to be connected to the Infinite, and aligned with your Soul as you do. And that’s exactly where Lisa takes you.
~ Anne Perry

I was really drawn to work with Lisa without knowing exactly what I wanted or needed. I only knew that I had completely surrendered to being of highest service, and felt that the Universe presented me with this marvelous woman to support me.
Immediately after beginning our work, I shifted into right relationship with my business, practically as well as energetically. My business and I have both measurably grown; for example, I doubled the size of my Ibiza retreat, and it’s already filled months in advance. I’m experiencing a new level of financial ease, and am trusting my guidance more than ever.
Lisa is exceptionally caring, warm, accessible and encouraging, yet also super strong. She holds an extremely powerful space, and it’s an honour to connect and work with her in that space. If your soul is pointing you in Lisa’s direction, trust and act on it!
~ Trish Whelan
Founder, Soul Adventures

This has been such an incredible [Soul Mastery Intensive] day! I received more than I could even imagine. It’s like I was asking for little raindrops, but I stood in a waterfall (though not in an overwhelming way that I couldn’t handle). It was totally nourishing. It’s a whole body/whole everything kind of experience. All that you provided has been what I needed. It’s been a day of being really tuned in – you to me, me to you, me to myself. You are clearly living everything you shared. It’s really easy on you, like an outfit that you’ve been wearing forever. Strong, clear, and full of love all at the same time. I don’t yet know how to put it into words, but I feel like EVERYTHING has changed. There is literally no price tag for what I’ve received.
~ Julie Lamonica
Authentic Confidence Coach

Lisa, thank you so much! I’ve just had my highest income month yet in my business, and it is your coaching that has helped me with this huge accomplishment. Your constant presence, commitment and manner has helped me more effectively share my gifts with the world, while staying deeply aligned with myself. I now fully understand who my right clients are and how better to communicate with them. I also have more confidence than ever in how to conduct a natural sales conversation. All this has directly impacted my ability to attract, and be paid by, new clients, as well as feel happier in myself.
~ Deborah Jay-Lewin
Founder and Master Teacher, Vital Moves (Dance for Transformation)

We excavated deep layers of energetic and mindset challenges during my 1-day Soul Mastery Intensive, and created a huge shift in what was possible for me. Lisa’s ability to hold such a safe and sacred space makes it easy to go to the deeply challenging places. Through it, I clarified what I wanted to present at my first main stage speaking event, and was able to deliver the message with such alignment and confidence that 77% of the audience said yes to my offer at the end.
Since that day, multiple new opportunities have come to me, and I just keep saying yes to them. I know that I would not have stepped into those opportunities without the expansion from the Intensive. Lisa’s approach is deeply spiritual and healing, while also being practical and pragmatic. She has the entire range, making her able to access things from deep within me in a way that felt like they were coming from my truth rather than her giving me information. How can I quantify the value of this depth of work? It is truly priceless.
~ Helen MacMillan
Founder and CEO, Sovereign Minds

It’s been 48 hours since I launched my coaching program and all five spots are filled! I am in awe. I have never felt more aligned in my life with my destiny and my mission. I have tears streaming down my face as I write this. Thank you immensely for everything, Lisa. I couldn’t have done this without you.
~ Anne Van de Water
Founder, Vibration Transformation

I started out with a big vision and no idea how to get there. Lisa helped me step into, and stay aligned with, the truest part of me. The flow, ease and clarity that’s come from doing so has made a huge impact on how awesome and quick the results have been, not just within my business but my whole life. She’s been the support I’m not usually very good at receiving, the push when I was off track, the permission I needed to truly create what I wanted and develop the confidence to step into it. Grateful!
~ Krista Jane Hoffs
Intuitive Truth Finder & Butt Kicker

Dreaming big is easy for entrepreneurs and visionaries. Making big dreams a reality is where things can get cloudy. Lisa Berkovitz is brilliant at getting the big dream out of the dreamer, and helping to organize it in a tangible ‘doable’ way. There is nothing more fulfilling for a dreamer than to realize the dream. Lisa is a valuable member of my dream realization team, she helps make my business dreams a reality!
~ Laura Hollick (Project Management Client)
Soul Artist and CEO

Lisa has been invaluable to me on multiple projects, including one of my main signature programs, Money Map To Freedom. She’s intuitive, professional and easy to work with, and her contribution not only saved me time and effort, it also produced a better quality program. If you are a leader wanting to birth and ground your best work yet, engage Lisa to help you get there. I highly recommend her.
~ Alexis Neely (Project Management Client)
Truth-telling Lawyer and New Economy Strategist

Lisa has a gift for helping transformational leaders bring their visions into form. As a core member of my team, she helped me create powerful new products and programs and move major new projects and priorities forward with speed and ease. Lisa is focused, intuitive, and operates with a high level of consciousness. She is also really enjoyable to work with!