My guiding motto in life and business is: How good can you stand it?
With an MBA and an entire career of high-level project management for Fortune 100 and 500 companies and the World Economic Forum conference in Davos behind me, I know how to get things done, and get them done well.
Manage product portfolios of up to $90 million dollars? Done. Lead teams of dozens of people? Check. Meet and serve some of the world’s most powerful leaders, including Richard Branson and Oprah Winfrey? Yup, that too.
I was on the fast track to executive leadership, yet something was seriously missing.
I felt like I had to play a role to be there, and playing that game meant huge amounts of stress, exhaustion, and self-neglect, all considered not only normal, but necessary.
I finally left corporate after attending a Self-Mastery retreat in the rainforest of Costa Rica. While there, I received a clear vision of myself travelling the world and contributing to the expansion of human potential (without knowing exactly what that meant).
In an instant, I knew I was supposed to leave my job with the largest food company in the world. Eight weeks later, I’d given notice and was gone.

With a blissful feeling of freedom, I started exploring and expressing more parts of myself through extensive travel, reading and learning about personal and spiritual growth, daily dance and hot yoga classes, time in nature, jewellery-making, and connecting with like-minded people on a similar path. I became a certified coach and master-level NLP practitioner, as well as a Reiki master.
In early 2010, I started applying my extensive project management skills on the teams of some of the leading conscious business trainers and coaches in North America who were powerfully marketing themselves via the internet. I worked closely with them to design, build and launch their next best-selling products, programs and projects.
I also expanded my own existing coaching practice to assist early-stage, purpose-driven entrepreneurs to successfully create, market and sell their first transformational programs and products. Over time, more advanced entrepreneurs as well as CEO’s began finding me, all of whom were on an accelerated path of mastery.
Through this time, I discovered that, in addition to my professional abilities and accomplishments, I am also a powerfully intuitive shaman, healer and Soul Guide, fiercely devoted to my spiritual path and following my guidance and the flow moment to moment.
As this part of me became stronger, I wondered how to fully integrate and express these two aspects of myself, and do it in a way that allowed me to function authentically and successfully in the physical world. I was still calling myself a ‘business coach,’ but I was really something more, something deeper.
I was also finding myself hitting upper limits in my business. Though committed to following my highest vision and knowing, my super powerful mind and bias for action (which got me all the success I ever had in the first part of my career) still wanted me do things its way, mostly as a taskmaster, and with an excessive amount of “doing.”
My inner guidance has created all kinds of magic and miracles in my life. Parking spaces? Always right front of where I’m going, even in the busiest places. Travel plans? Always in flow, creating the most exceptional experiences and connections. Every extraordinary thing that’s ever happened in my life (too many to list) has happened out of trusting and following my knowing.
But when it came to fully stepping into, and thriving at, the next level of my Life’s Work, somehow my mind still gripped onto control, unwilling to believe that the degree of ease and magic I experienced elsewhere would also work in my business. I had allowed it to a point, but I was resisting FULL surrender.
Resistance showed up in a variety of forms, from the fear of being more visible in the world (particularly to critics and naysayers – I’d had my share, and it was tough for me as a super-sensitive and empath), to self-doubt about the power of my work (despite vast evidence to the contrary), to concern about overwhelm and burnout creeping back (given the size and scope of my vision), to plain old not knowing where to start.
And so I stopped. For a long time.
And lots of voices inside me (and some outside me) pressured me to keep taking action. And I didn’t, unless the action was truly in flow and inspired from within, which was minimal.
It took discipline, and it took courage. It challenged me financially. But I refused to act and did deep inner work until the taskmaster within me no longer ran my choices. Natural creativity, guidance, knowing and confidence then started bubbling up from within in a way that felt like it came from the very essence of me.
I’m constantly deepening into it further, but ultimately I’ve given myself over to this way of being and creating fully, as an instrument of the Divine, and a bridge between Heaven and Earth. The coaching I offer is the kind that I wish I’d had as I was moving into this level of surrender, self-mastery and world service.
I see business as a vehicle for self-mastery and planetary change.
If you know it’s time to create your Life’s Work at the highest level, as a fully-integrated Divine Human who creates at the leading edge of consciousness, let’s talk about how I can support you.

Words can’t even do this cell-awakening, heaven-on-earth bestowing work justice. What Lisa does is so far beyond business coaching. She tunes people into their calling, their purpose, their own Soul in such a deep, timeless way. There’s infinite wisdom and universal depth in what she does. If you have a vision that’s close to your heart, it doesn’t matter what strategies you have up your sleeve, you’ve got to be connected to the Infinite, and aligned with your Soul as you do. And that’s exactly where Lisa takes you.